Change or Update Menu Item Names

How to edit or update the names of your Menu Items

Knowing how to change or edit the names of your Menu Items can come in handy if you're looking to make edits on the fly! Like updating your menus daily special.


  1. Log in at, or log into the Table Needs app!

  2. Navigate to the "Menu Admin" section by clicking the "Menu" icon on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click on the "Menu Items" tab located at the top of the screen.

  4. Scroll through your menu items to find the specific item you would like to update, and click on it.

  5. An "Edit Item" page will appear. On this page, you will be able to change all settings for that item.

  6. The very first box on this page is the "Name" field for your item. You can remove the current name and type in the new one!

  7. Once finished, click the blue "Save" button.


Don't forget to publish your menu when done! Without publishing, your guests won't see your item's new name.



Learn how to add new items to a menu through our how-to guide. You can check it out here!