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Difference between in-person KDS tickets and online KDS tickets

Learn the difference between orders taken on-site and orders taken by the guest from the online menu.

On-Site Orders: These orders will have the basic status on the Kitchen Display tab, which are Submitted, In Progress, Completed, and Delivered. With the exception of the QR code/link orders also having the Staged status.

Order from Cashier: This is a ticket created when a guest walks up to the cashier/employee and requests their food. The employee will key in the order themself and either send it to the kitchen or initiate the payment to send it to the kitchen afterward from here.

Order from QR code/Link: This is a web page that the guest will use while on site that they can either order for pick-up or to-go orders.

Online Orders: This is used for off-site ordering where a guest can either schedule this order for as soon as possible or for a future date/time. This will set the order in the “Scheduled” tab at the top of the Kitchen Order page until it is ready to be fired or it is force fired. It will then move through the normal order status’ until it either gets to Staged for Pick up orders or Out for Delivery for the Delivery orders.