Difference between Open, Waiting, Closed, and Scheduled tabs

Learn what differences between all types of KDS status tabs at the top of the Kitchen Display tab of the point of sale, including Open, Waiting, Closed, and Scheduled.

Start out on the Kitchen Display tab of the point of sale. At the top of this page, we will see four different tabs at the top of the page that read in order, Open, Waiting, Closed, and Scheduled. 

Open: Open is where the majority of KDS tickets will reside before they are finished. This is where an order will be placed initially in the Submitted status, will be prepared in the In Progress status, and will wait until it is completed and hasn’t been moved to either Staged or Delivered status. If a ticket is going to a Delivered status, it will go to the Closed tab. If the ticket is going to a Staged status, it will go to the waiting Tab.

Waiting: This tab is for tickets that are in the waiting status either for the guest to come to pick up their food in the “Staged” status or waiting for the delivery driver to deliver the food in the “Out For Delivery” status. Once the food is set to “Delivered” from either of these statuses, the ticket will move

Closed: This tab is for tickets that are in the status of “Delivered” and are supposed to be finished. You can reopen tickets from here if need be and they will start the ticket cycle over again with the status of “Submitted”

Scheduled: This tab is only for tickets that are not ready to be started working on by the kitchen staff or other parts of the restaurant that are in charge of preparing orders. These orders will have a set time/date of when they will be fired and they can be force fired if the guest arrives early and you have the ability to get it to them earlier than expected.