Difference between the Point of Sale menu and Consumer Menus

Learn the difference between the Point of Sale menu and the Consumer Menus on the Menu Management tab.

We will start on the Menu Management Tab for the point of sale. From the first page here, we can see two or more menus. The two types of menus we will see are Point of Sale Menu and Consumer Menus.

POINT OF SALE MENU: This menu is the menu that will be used by your staff. When you log into the point of sale on your hardware and go to the “Orders” tab on the left of the point of sale. When you start an order using the “+” sign from there, this menu is what you will see from the order screen. There is only one available menu for in-house menus like this.

CONSUMER MENUS: This menu is the menu that will be seen by your guest, either using the order and pick up in-house using a QR code or an online menu they can order off-site with. Additionally, we can create more menus for more uses within the system by selecting the “+ Add Menu” button at the top right.