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Submitting Refunds For Quick Service Point of Sale

Issuing refunds within your Quick Service Point of Sale

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to issue a refund, we want to make sure that it is accurate, easy, and fast for you to process. Read on below to find out how!




How to Process Refunds in your Point of Sale


Whether you're refunding a Cash or Credit Card payment. They are processed the same way when using our Quick Service Point of Sale system.


When submitting a refund the first thing that you will need to do, is access the given order that you are wanting to refund. Navigate to the Orders and Request section of your Point of Sale, and click on the order. This will open the order and present you with the following screen.


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From here, click on the blue "Payments" button that is located at the bottom left of the screen. This will open up a new tab that shows all processed payments from this order.

This page gives you the option to submit a "Full Refund" or "Partial Refund"! Read on below to find out how to process each.

Full Refund

Once you have clicked on the blue "Payment" button and the "Processed Payments" window appears. Click on the "Full Refund" button located to the right of the charged amount. You will then receive a confirmation, asking you to confirm the refund and its amount. Refunds are unable to be "undone", so you want to make sure that the numbers are correct. Click on "Confirm" when you are ready to officially submit.


You will now see a green flag on the processed payments screen, that tells you the amount that has been refunded.


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Credit Card refunds are submitted to the cardholder's bank immediately after submitting a refund. Depending upon the bank, guests will see the refund in their account in 5-10 business days.

Partial Refund

Similar to processing a Full Refund, click on the blue "Payments" button, and open the "Processed Payments" screen.


From here, click on the drop-down "arrow" that is located to the right of the "Full Refund" and "Printer" buttons. This will open a section that shows you the payment broken down into Total and Tip. In the text boxes below each, you can specify the exact amount that you would like to refund from the Tip and Total.

Once you are ready to submit, click the "Refund" button located to the right of your refund amount. You will be prompted to confirm the refund. Verify the amounts are correct and press "Confirm"! You will now see the refund appear on the Processed Payments page.


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Note: If you are using a Cash Drawer with your Point of Sale, you will need to manually open the cash drawer after submitting a cash refund.

As always, if you have any questions for us. You can contact our support team by emailing support@tableneeds.com. And for urgent matters, by calling/texting (720) 821-4691.