What is the difference between support and success?

When to contact support or success

The difference between support and success

Support Team

Support is to react and solve problems quickly. The support team is your first line of defence for support on urgent matters. Our support team is available to contact by text, phone call, or by email for less urgent matters.

Call or Text 720-821-4691
Email support@tableneeds.com

Success Team

The goal of Restaurant Success is to make sure your employees are happy, your customers are loyal, and you're seeing increased revenue with your POS. Whether it’s making sure that you’re using all that Table Needs has to offer or to answer questions about new Table Needs updates, or to optimize your setup. Your success manager is with you long-term to help you in various ways.

Success is here for:

  • Take your product improvement suggestions to our team

  • Set goals with you and set milestones to hit them

  • Keep you up to date on product releases and gather feedback

  • Answer any and all questions about Table Needs


Your success manager will provide you with his or her contact information.